
Showing posts from 2018

How to start New Year with a bang? | Self Love

How to start New Year with a bang? -  The invigorating time of the year is finally here when you revitalize your adrenaline machine and make it work much more efficiently. You are excited, happy, hopeful and about to get sooo TIPSY, lol! ( Couldn’t end the sentence without LOLing it, hahaha).  So before you get TIPSY, give yourself a chance to go through the ideas mentioned on How to start the New Year with a bang. TRAVEL It’s a new year of your life and you probably are expecting something different. You are never in a mood to stick by the same environment as last year and what could be better than travelling to a different fresh space. BE THE BEST HOST T hrow a party or invite people over for a couple of drink and plan the party your style and make it exciting, being a good host can actually make you popular and confident among your friends and office mate thereby giving you the adrenaline rush which you always hope for. BUY THE THING FO...

Resolutions for You, for a better you | Self love | Self care | New Year 2019

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS - New year is powerful and motivating,as it brings hope , positivity and gives a chance to press the refresh button of life .   New year is the only time of the year when a very large share of the world's population actually thinks " now is the best time to start "and so, they make Resolutions for themselves. People make a list of resolutions to set a whole new plan for themselves and are so excited and hopeful about it, in the hope, that this time they will achieve what they want to and be so optimistic about it and this motivating plan is what resolution is. 20 Resolutions you need to make this new year,  New Year Resolutions 1.      Resolve, to see your potential . 2.      Resolve , to accept yourself. 3.      Resolve, to learn constantly and be a pro at whatever your interest is. 4.      Resolve, to not pay attention to oth...

Fun Party games to bond on new year's eve with family | Family love

5 Fun party games to bond with your family on new year's eve New Year's - A fun adrenaline releasing time that everyone loves. The time when a very large share of the world population is positive and in the absolute party mood with friends, family, your companion. The fun party games have always been the perfect way to bond and laugh and have fun with others on new year. FUN PARTY GAMES TO BOND ON NEW YEAR'S EVE. Complete the family Chart. In this game the participants will have to write down the names of three generations of the family in 40 seconds. Whoever gets the maximum right wins. Family telepathy game. In this one, each family member will be given the same options of ingredients to put in their cake but noone can see anyone while choosing the ingredient when everyone finish picking their elements the family can know how alike or not they think.  Call the missing. If any member of your family failed to join you guys...

Reasons to love yourself

The first thing that comes to my mind is, if you are searching reasons to love yourself then, you belong to that   class of human beings who were raised to be kind, empathetic, sympathetic   and one that always   find good in others and probably have been doing things as others like it and you never gave much thoughts to pamper yourself and see the beautiful you.  A colossal reason that stops people from loving themselves is looking for validation. What they don't realise is, nobody is sensitive to other person's happiness on the level they are for their own. Therefore, its a waste to depend on the permission to love yourself that comes from a different homo sapien. Looking for validation from others, is going to make you stumble,  when you try to walk on the path of loving yourself. While you are exploring the internet to find atleast a few reasons to love yourself, there are a million in your own headspace hovering unappreciated...

When they start to ignore you

Love is when the partners affirm to hold hands and stay together in health and sickness, even if it means that your partner has to stand right behind you rubbing your back without wrinkling their nose while your vomiting. You are in love when you make it a choice that comes out of you  more like a reflex rather than taking it as some sort of obligation and the same rule goes for your partner as well. Love needs contribution from both its partakers in a stern ratio of 1:1 and when this ratio gets disbalanced, then comes the scenario of " ignorance ". The reasons for this disbalance can mainly be two: ONE - The fair reasons. You became overly clingy or needy which is not bad, you just turned out to be a more intense form of lover than what your partner had actually expected and if your partner truly wants you they will take time but come back to you once they get accustomed to your version of love. Or, maybits just their busy month where they couldn't make as...

Why people stay in a bad relationship? | Unhealthy relationship | Reasons why you stay in a toxic relationship

Love is barbaric. If that’s the definition you are carrying in your highbrow mind and naïve heart because of the actions and reactions of your soul mate who particularly is ripping off your soul then “ yes, you are in a bad relationship”. Here are four reasons as to why you decide to stay in a bad relationship when you really should NOT : 1.        Afraid of being alone. This is the ruling reason you are giving to yourself to hail in an unhealthy relationship. Obviously you have spent a good quantity of time with this person and you get haunted by the idea of being alone when this toxic relationship gets over. You start ranking your current state with your future state somewhat like this –“ Okay my situation with my love is bad right now but DUN LEAVE cause it’s going to make my future a superlative degree of bad which is worst ”. 2.        You still love your partner You know, you really are a nice p...

After Breakup

Relationship , love , the thing around which your life revolved , your everything . “Breakup”, is a situation when you fall in love with a person and have shared a history so beautiful and was hoping to have a future that looked ravishing but that future somehow gets bulldozed. It’s when the two of you decide to part your ways, sometimes by decision taken mutually, mostly because one of the two gets a sudden realization that, it was not the kind of relationship they want to be in. Anyway , the arduous heart-rending part has already been dealt with when it got over. Now is the time when your mind is screaming at your heart to do everything which you had stopped yourself from when you were with that single thing which you had considered your everything. When you are with someone, you turn your personality according to them as to what they want, how they want, when they want, what they like you to do, what they don’t like you to do et cetera, et cetera. Precisely, i...

How to know if your guy is YOUR guy.

Love is indeed an irreplaceable bundle of feelings for a person, whom you have by now considered your world, your life, your universe....omggg!!!. As a matter of fact it wouldn't take you one moment to throw every other person of the  world at the dinosaurs just to save that one lame person, aptly referred to as your life destructor whom you have confused for the 8th element in the periodic table "oxygen". The real question is, IS THE PERSON REALLY WORTH BEING YOUR OXYGEN?? let me ask you a couple of questions which might or might not  qualify him for being your oxygen. 1.. Who is the first caller?      A person in love will always look for you when he wakes up and in case the two of you aren't staying together for your good reasons then he would want to call you the first thing in the morning. You calling first is not even a problem but if 95% of the time your the first caller, yeah definitely a problem. 2.. Is he tiny miny jealous...