When they start to ignore you

Love is when the partners affirm to hold hands and stay together in health and sickness, even if it means that your partner has to stand right behind you rubbing your back without wrinkling their nose while your vomiting. You are in love when you make it a choice that comes out of you  more like a reflex rather than taking it as some sort of obligation and the same rule goes for your partner as well.

Love needs contribution from both its partakers in a stern ratio of 1:1 and when this ratio gets disbalanced, then comes the scenario of "ignorance". The reasons for this disbalance can mainly be two:

ONE - The fair reasons.
You became overly clingy or needy which is not bad, you just turned out to be a more intense form of lover than what your partner had actually expected and if your partner truly wants you they will take time but come back to you once they get accustomed to your version of love.
Or, maybits just their busy month where they couldn't make as much time for you but they will make time to wish you a goodmorning or goodnight. In love no day is a zero talk day.

TWO - When your partner is a complete jerk.

Yes, that's the second answer to why your partner has been ignoring you.You probably spent hours,days,weeks to know why their behavior has changed so much,but chances are they were never in love when they pretended to commit to the relationship. A person with morals and standards for whom this relationship mattered would tell you if they realize they don't seeafuture together and wouldn't just keep ignoring you. And you don't deserve to entertain a person who was taking your relationship as a "trial" .

Order yourself right now to not shed another drop of your worthy tears,to not give the tiniest space in your brain for this person and thank god that he made you realize the ignorance so that you can know someone much more deserving of your love is waiting for you in true sense, your match.


  1. Waaw good.... Keep going....love to read ur blogs💝

  2. I knew this guy since I was 18 and then 10 years later we found each other and I thought he liked me then we got into an argument and I said some not so nice things to him but he seemed really grumpy that day so I guess I caught him on a bad day so.he started to ingnore me but he never blocked me and he did respond but after that he went back to not talking to me so I'm not quite sure if he truly didn't like me I would think he would have blocked me on Facebook.


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