Fun Party games to bond on new year's eve with family | Family love

5 Fun party games to bond with your family on new year's eve

New Year's - A fun adrenaline releasing time that everyone loves. The time when a very large share of the world population is positive and in the absolute party mood with friends, family, your companion. The fun party games have always been the perfect way to bond and laugh and have fun with others on new year.
Fun Party games to bond on new years eve | Family - Friends Fun on new years


  • Complete the family Chart.

In this game the participants will have to write down the names of three generations of the
family in 40 seconds. Whoever gets the maximum right wins.

  • Family telepathy game.

In this one, each family member will be given the same options of ingredients to put in their cake but noone can see anyone while choosing the ingredient when everyone finish picking their elements the family can know how alike or not they think. 

  • Call the missing.

If any member of your family failed to join you guys for the new year’s party this game is about this person. Every member present  will take their phone out of their pockets at the same time and will call that person whoever manages to reach that person first on phone and make that absent person say happy new year wins. This way even that person will feel good to be a part of your fun party.

  • Guess whose resolution.

Okay! in this one every member will write what their new year's resolution is and put in a bowl and pick each paper in the bowl one by one and every one will have to guess whose resolution it is.

  • The musical chair

The game that never ages and never loses it’s charm. When everyone runs around chairs which are one less in number than the no of members present and one person gets eliminated who does not manage to get a chair when the music stops. 


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