How to know if your guy is YOUR guy.

Love is indeed an irreplaceable bundle of feelings for a person, whom you have by now considered your world, your life, your universe....omggg!!!. As a matter of fact it wouldn't take you one moment to throw every other person of the  world at the dinosaurs just to save that one lame person, aptly referred to as your life destructor whom you have confused for the 8th element in the periodic table "oxygen".
The real question is,

How to know  if your guy is YOUR guy.

let me ask you a couple of questions which might or might not  qualify him for being your oxygen.

1.. Who is the first caller?
     A person in love will always look for you when he wakes up and in case the two of you aren't staying together for your good reasons then he would want to call you the first thing in the morning.
You calling first is not even a problem but if 95% of the time your the first caller, yeah definitely a problem.

2.. Is he tiny miny jealous for you?
     Well this is easy for me to explain. Since you love him purely, deeply, solely...oh my GOAT!!!
You know how you want pinch the girl who tries to show her fondness to your man and how unstable the chemicals in your body get that it becomes evident for everybody to know that your not enjoying your life so much at that moment. Have you noticed any such jealously on his face for you.
And by jealously i definitely don't support he mistreating you and pulling you away from everyone.That is definitely NOT the kind of  jealously I am trying to tell you about.
The healthy jealously when he wants you all and it matters to him when he sees that someone can take you away.      

3..Does he give you his time?
    Come on! its the very  demanding 21st century how can he give you his time. The world is busy and so is your man, your oxygen trying to build his career, probably a future for you two.
Please please please even if he is trying to be the President he will MAKE time for you.
(# NOTE: Time here doesnt mean 24 hours or even 12 hours, these are unrealistic amount of time to spend with anyone everyday, don't be confused)

4..Does he wish you Happy Birthday on your Birthday??
    Remembering the date when you two first met or the date on which you guys held your hands or the date when you both sneezed at the same time is very important ones for us girls but for guys ....mmmmmm well everyone has heard the phrase by guys "I am not very good with remembering dates".
Above events are very understandable, but if  he loves you and he feels that he wants to make you his woman he will definitely take the pleasure of setting a reminder in case he is not good with remembering dates.Your special day will also be special for him.

5..Has he been by your side in tough times?
     Tough times, not referring to some massive devastation. Has he been with you when you were about to have a teeth pulled out and he knows how afraid you were to be at the dentist or has he comforted you when you failed your exam when he knew how much that exam mattered to you.


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